Victoria Grady

Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management, George Mason University

Dr. Victoria M Grady is the Academic Director of the MSM Graduate Program and Associate Professor of Management/Organizational Behavior in the School of Business at George Mason University. Victoria is also the Professor in Residence for the Healthcare People and Change Practice for FORVIS Mazars based out of Charlotte, NC.

Recent research publications can be found in Harvard Business Review, CEO World, Washington Business Journal, and Bloomberg News. She is co-author of Stuck: How to WIN in Business by Understanding LOSS, Productivity Press: Routledge Taylor Francis Group, 2022 and The Pivot Point: Success in Organizational Change, Morgan-James Publishing, 2013.

Victoria’s research portfolio focuses on the behavioral implications of organizations introducing and implementing organizational change—her unique emphasis is the role of Attachment Behavior and Transitional Objects within the change process. To learn more, please visit her website at or reach out via LinkedIN.